Dao Shall Come Here: That Laid Back Waterfall In Samboan, Cebu

When googling Dao, this is probably one of the most common photo op areas. It is, without doubt, worthy of a huge space in my brain's memory.

I saw someone posting her Insta pic. She was clad in nothing but a string bikini. Yes, she looked stunning but what took me away was this majestic façade behind her. Then my curious soul led me to Google.

 I typed “DAO CEBU” and this is the first description I got – “Scenic hike to a dramatic waterfall down a towering limestone wall into a turquoise catch pool.” Four days later, my family and I drove our butts from Dumaguete to Cebu. We had a blast. It was a one-for-the-books experience since we never really knew what we were up for, what we were doing next, and where to eat. All we had were our water bottles, some cash, and we were good to go. 

Here are some details of our recent trip.

DIsclaimer: All my photos do not bring justice to the real waterfall, real river, real stream, real trees, and real people. SOrry na gud

How we got there :

  • Took the 7:30 am Matiao barge feom Sibulan to Santander. 
  • Drove for around 20 minutes to Samboan. (Samboan is the next town to the south.)
  • From Samboan town center, drive around 5 minutes more. Be observant of the signage saying "THIS WAY TO DAO." Make a right turn when you see the signage and follow a few tiny signs prompting you to make a right turn and left turn on thin cemented roads. Going up the registration area takes about 5 minutes.
  • If you are commuting, you can wait for a bus on Santander Hiway and have them stop at Dao. The driver knows exactly where to stop. There will be some habal-habals or motorcycles for hire waiting on the road. If there are none (usually early morning) you can ask around)
When to go there:
  • It is best to be here during the summer season when you can walk easily on the river. However, I believe the waterfalls would look so much better when there is more water and the canals are fuller.
  • It is also ideal to go there in the morning if you want to avoid the flock of waterfall chasers and sightseers. 

  • Environmental fee P20
  • Entrance fee P20 for locals P40 for foreigners (mao ng ayaw patugag iningles kay pabayron kag kwarenta.)
  • Parking fee P40 cars P20 motorcycle
  • Tour guide P150 to P200 or more. Do not haggle. (ka barato na anang wampipti samot nag daghan mo.)
Recommended people and age

  • Any able-bodied individual 9-ish or 10-ish and above. (just my opinion ha. ayaw ka strong if imong anak 5 years old nya kusgan na diay nya d nako sugtan pa adtuon sa DAO.lol)
  • Anyone who knows how to read signs and respect nature
  • Anyone who is not afraid of heights, nature, and animals
  • Any OOTD that you are comfortable with. For footwear, don't wear slippers with poor grip. Don't wear any shoes except those that are designed for water. Go barefoot by all means. Just be careful ok?

Oh my.....

Before anything else, please respect everything around you. Always be cautious and remind yourself to be a well-disciplined nature-loving individual.

The trail leading to the falls is easy breezy.

Go down a simple flight of stairs until you reach a "banig-like" bamboo bridge." Respect the bridge. Walk two at a time. Don't jump on the bridge ok?

Walk on a trail leading to the river.  

When you reach the river,  follow your guide. Don't be reckless or "tanga." 

If my 10-year-old daughter can do it, then I guess so can you.

You will enter at least 2 "canals" with stunning lime walls and water. This is the best place for Insta pics and the sort. 

One of the first picture-picture "canal." 
This is my favorite part of the trek.

The water is just stunning when left undisturbed. Otherwise, it becomes white and 

A natural water slide where you are not allowed to slide on because the rocks are rough.

Walk all the way up the side of the mountain wall. Don't worry there is an easy trail and there are handrails for you. Just be careful you might fall and die.

This is a steep curve. If you fall, you will hit those rocks and hopefully not die.

There are steps leading to that huge boulder. 

You will then reach this stunning laddle-like natural wonder and you gaze at it for a while. You can then take hundreds of pictures.

DM Kyara for more info about the best of Negros' natural wonderfuls.

A not so organized group pic. We had the place all to ourselves since we went there at 8:30 AM.

No, this is not a dead person. This was our private pool for a moment. lol

The water is super clear. My daughter took this underwater using Nikon Coolpix.

**We also went to Aguinid Falls after Dao since they are meters apart. However, I'd rather not post anything as they will be undergoing rehabilitation for a month starting this June 17. Let's all wait and see how the rehabilitation will turn out!  (copied text from FB: Daphne Kyara Algarme IG: @kyara.algarme  https://www.instagram.com/kyara.algarme/ )

For more fun and random photos of our trip and many other trips follow me on my not classy and random IG account  - @hazyful https://www.instagram.com/hazyful/

Feel free to message for travel tips around the wonderful island of Negros. 


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