Canyons, boulders, and jumps: Our Cebu Canyoneering Adventure

Travel Date: June 15, 2014

“Canyoneering - is traveling in canyons using avariety of techniques that may include other outdooractivities such as walking, scrambling, climbing, jumping, abseiling (rapelling), and/or swimming.”

One of the greatest realities that everyone has to face is that life has to be an adventure otherwise it would not be life at all.

Experiencing the beauty of life entails embracing everything around you and not forgetting nature. Yesterday,15th of June 2014, me, my aunt and friends went on a adventure of a lifetime.  Urban folks as we are, we explored nature like we never did before. We went canyoneering at Badian, Cebu.What we basically did was trek, jump, swim, climb boulders, swim, jump, jump,jump. We did this for 6 short hours.
None of us have tried it before and none of us are trekkers, climbers, or expert swimmers. Anyone who is not afraid to jump heights, swim ice cold water, and climb boulders can totally enjoy the activity. If you want to do what we did I am gladly providing you all details of our awesome trip.


Getting there: (from Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental)
Travel time: 2 hours to Moalboal, 1.5 to Badian

By car:
Drive to Maayo Shipping Lines, Sibulan port or Tampi, Amlan port. In either ports, you can avail of its car barge service to Lilo-an or Bato, Cebu respectively.  Car barge service fee is around 1100 pesos back and forth. Driver and one passenger need not pay the fare. However, extra passengers need to pay 70 PhP. When you travel from Sibulan port your travel time is exactly 20 minutes to Lilo-an. When traveling from Tampi, you will arrive to Bato in 30 minutes. Here is useful link for the Shipping Lines’ schedule  -

By Ceres Liner Bus:
Bus Fare: around 30 PhP
Take the 3:00 am Dumaguete - Cebu bus trip.The bus travels from its terminal to Maayo Shipping Lines in Tampi, Amlam. The barge docks at Bato where you can hail a bus going to Moalboal or Badian (depending on your agreed canyoning start point). There are minimal bus trips at 4 am. You have to patiently wait for buses to pass by.
You can also take just any bus that passes by Tampi, Amlan. From there, you can ride the boat to Bato.

Getting there: (from Cebu city)
Travel time: 2 hours

By Car:
Drive all the way to Carcar. When you reach Carcar you will see big roundabout where you need to turn right in order to cross Cebu’s West coast. You will pass by Barili, Dumanjug, Ronda, and Alcantara.

By Bus:
Bus Fare: 110 PhP non aircon, 130 PhP aircon
                Go to Cebu South Bus Terminal. Buses for MoalBoal leave every hour.

From Dumaguete to Bato
Make sure that you take the earliest trip because you have to begin your activity in the morning and finish it when the sun is still up. In our case, we left Dumaguete at 3:30 am and we were just in time for the 4:00 am trip to Bato.

From MoalBoal to Badian
The three of us my auntie, Tweety, and I arrived at MoalBoal at around 7:30 am. We took a quick beach tour of the area and ate breakfast. Our guide and two of our friends traveled by car from Cebu city. We met at MoalBoal, had breakfast at a local carinderia and bought our packed lunch (hanging rice and fried chicken) there. Along with two new found friends from Manila and another group from Cebu, we drove back to Badian. Along the way to Badian, we rented life jackets for 50 PhP each.We parked our Pickup truck at the Santiago Apostol Church and paid 100 pesos for the parking fee. We left our phones in the car and only brought things that we needed for the trek (we did not feel the need to bring phones because we can’t risk them getting wet). We had a dry bag were we stuffed our food and money.

In every nature trip, everyone has to be ready with the right gear. We were lucky enough to have a seasoned guide who was more than eager to provide us with a list of Canyoneering essentials including what to wear and what not to wear.
Here is our guide’s well detailed list:

Pack light but bring these during theCanyoneering:
**per person**
1. at least 1 liter water - bottle canbe clipped to your jacket or sling to your shoulder
 - make sure your hands are freefor balance
**can be shared**
2. snacks and lunch pack
3. dry bag to store your: - food
- money
- waterproof camera/phone (make sure your phone can sustain underwater pressure) (a good camera to use would be a GoPro)
**Important Reminder**
- We will be submerged in water 80% of the time.
- Please waterproof everything you want to bring during the activity.
- Bringing your phone is discouraged,unless its waterproof or you have a waterproof pouch to carry it with.
- Zip lock will not survive the water,that's why dry bag is necessary.
 - guide's food + transpo will be your shoulder.

- top: rashguard, jersey shirt
- bottom: cycling shorts, board shorts, NO MAONGS
- footwear: trekking sandals or aqua shoes with an aggressive tread, light-weight rubber/trekking shoes
 - life jacket - helmet (if available)
- dry bag, to store food/valuables during the activity
TIPS: **Always be on the side of safety**
1. Wear life jacket/helmet for safety.Never underestimate the river even if you’re a swimmer.
2. Follow your guide's instructions AT ALL TIMES.
3. Do not stray away from the group.Keep them and yourself in visual range.
4. ALWAYS double-check your footing and handholds. Many of the natural features that you’re going to use are slippery and unstable.
5. LEAVE NO TRACE: Trash your trash.ALWAYS use the LNT principles.
6. Do not disturb, handle, capture, or kill wildlife.

4:00-4:30 AM – meet up at Cebu SouthBus Terminal/ ETD
4:30-7:30 AM – ETA Cebu South Bus Terminal, going to Moalboal
7:30-8:15 AM – stop at Moalboal,breakfast, buy packed lunch
8:15-9:00 AM – prepare gears, leave bags at safe house
9:00-10:45 AM – ride multicab from moalboal to Alegria, (stop at badian to rent life jackets) arrival at Kanlaob Alegria crossing - ride habal-habal to jump-off
10:45-11:00 AM – arrival at Barangay Kanlaob jump-off, briefing, last-minute checks
11:00-12:00 AM – start canyoneering adventure
12:00-12:30 PM – lunch break in the middle of "nowhere"
12:35 PM – resume canyoneering adventure
12:35-3:30 PM – finish canyoneering adventure, exit at Kawasan Falls in Badian
3:30-4:30 PM – ride multicab toMoalboal safe house
 4:30-5:30 PM – pack gears, clean up, rest, eat snacks
6:00 PM - ride bus home bound to Cebu

Breakdown of fees
CANYONEERING FEE (10pax) = P520 inclusive of the ff:
P300 - guide fee +(P50 for guide's food + transpo)
P100 - notarized waiver  
P50 - life jacket rental
P20 - entrance/exit
* food/water not included, each one may have different budgeting for that
* bring extra money for emergencies/pocket money, pasalubongs/souvenir items

Since we were all Canyoneering first timers, we made sure we read his list and prepared the right outfit. All of us wore our thickest leggings or cycling pants.Wearing long leggings is really a must because on your way down to Kawasan Falls you will pass through bushes plants which can scratch your precious legs. Asfor our top, most of us wore long sleeved rash guards. We also wore trusted shoes but not the specific kind since it was too expensive to buy specified shoes. Some of us wore running and tennis shoes which were, as a matter of fact, also very comfortable for trekking and swimming.

Of course,we acquired a 10 L dry bag from HabagatIf you are from Dumaguete, you can purchase your own dry bag at Island Life Adventure,El Amigo, Silliman Avenue. The bag is a really useful bag because apart from functioning as a storage device it can also be used as a floatation device.

Moreover, we also made sure to bring with us first aid kits. We had plasters and bandages on our bag just in case some of us incur abrasions and the sort. Thankfully, we just suffered minor falls which only left minor “fun” bruises.

As for our fees, we spent a bit more than the guide’s projected fees because there were only 7 of us in a group. We paid 500Php each for the guide fee, 100 Php for waiver notarization, 50 Php for life jacket rental, 70 Php for the multicab going to our start point and 20 Php for the entrance and exit fees. Since we travelled from Dumaguete by car our transportation fees (divided by 3 because only 3 of us traveled from Dumaguete) are as follows: 1100 Php for car barge(2 way),  600 Php for gas, and 140 extra person (2 way).

on our way to badian. our faces are obviously filled with excitement, not knowing what's ahead of us
The guide’s itinerary was implemented. But the timing was not complied because there were 2 other teams ahead of us and we had to fall in line when preparing for our jumps. We had lunch at 12:30 and started trekking again at 1 pm. We reached the third falls of Kawasan at around 3 pm and arrived at our exit point which was beside the church at around 4:30. We headed back to MoalBoal and had brewed coffee at 711. We left MoalBoal at exactly 5:50 pm. We drove back to Bato and took the 7:30pm car barge back to Tampi, Amlan.

lunch in the middle of nowhere

Of Sceneries, Jumps, and Friendships

HaLourd the guide is instructing us where the right spot to land is...otherwise we'd hit our feet on rocks
Our group was composed of my aunt, my friends, and new found friends. Such a combination of people made all the sceneries worthwhile. It would not have been so much fun if we looked at canyons and pools of cool waters without people who matter. All of us in the group are currently residing in the busy cities of Manila, Cebu,and Dumaguete. Being surrounded with big and small buildings made us decide that we want to feast our eyes with nature’s best. Of course, our physical selves alone were naturally good (lol) but we had to be one with greeneries. Apart from this, what made us decide to take on this adventure was the idea of “taking risks and building memories.”

I am greatly afraid of heights and I am pretty sure that most of you share the same fear.But I have long conquered it by parasailing in Boracay (but am still hesitant doing it again and doing similar stunts such as ziplining in Delta Discovery Park). There is that great feeling of fulfillment when you jump off from a 25 to 30foot waterfall with your butt first. I mean it hurts really bad but it’s that kind of pain that leaves a happy mark (the bruising and “pamaol”). The good thing was that my butt landing, which is a typical landing for most first time jumpers, was the first and last because you get to learn the right way to jump and land after 6 waterfall jumps. That’s right 6 jumps.

the first jump. we only had 2 choices: to jump or go back at your own risk. this does not look so high but for me it is!
Most of the jumps were just around 6 to 7 feet high but each was scary in their own right.The fear of jumping on a stone and breaking your bones or drowning or being sucked underwater or swallowed by an unknown creature are probably some of the worst things that crosses your mind before jumping.

what we all look like after every


The most memorable things about canyoneering are of course the canyons and pools. Nature’s work of art is really impressive. Along the way we passed by mountain walls and huge boulders carved by water. There were also numerous stalactites that look liked cows breasts and spiky domes. They were by one word- majestic. The pools too were magnificent. Light green, ice cold deep waters kept us all relaxed especially after every jump. You can also see some young boys who live nearby, jumping from cliffs trying to impress tourists. It was truly impressive how they can jump from a 50 foot cliff, fearless and proud.

and another canyon

one of the many majestic canyons

Canyoneering is an adventure that when done, should not be taken lightly. You will endure bruises, injuries, and pains. That is why it is ideal to follow instructions and above all respect nature and everyone else with you.  It is a trip that can make you hesitant at first but will leave you wanting for more. It is not for the clumsy and faint hearted but for the brave, fearless, and curious.
another great view

Summary of pain and injuries:
- minor palm and knee scratches
- butt,shoulder, and back bruises
- muscle aches everywhere

Summary of our fees each:
Transportation(when from Dumaguete)
 car barge – 1100 [2 way]
                          Extra person – 140 [2 way]
                          Gas – 600
                                     1840/3 (three of us were from DGTE) = 613.33 Php per person
Canyoneering fee (per pax): guide – 500
                               Waiver notarization – 100
                              Life vest rental –50
                              Entrance/exit fee – 20
                             Multicab fee – 70
                               750 Php each

Total: 1363 PhP

                                  Our happy and contented faces after the adventure. (from left to right) Gem,                                                                     yours truly, Tweety, Garly, Tita Bing)

Who is our guide?
Sir HaLourd (0933-629-2925)  This guy in the picture is "the GUIDE"
our ever alert "boulder jumper" guide.


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